How to Balance Work and Study in a BS in Management Program
Earning an online BS in management degree is a significant step for working professionals. Follow these steps to balance work and study.
Earning an online BS in management degree is a significant step for working professionals. Follow these steps to balance work and study.
These steps for creating a productive study environment at home make online learning more productive and enjoyable. Earn your degree at NMU.
Knowing how to balance work and school is essential for adult learners. NMU Global Campus supports students ready to earn a degree online.
Let's make a pact to start the semester off on a positive note. 2021 is a blank slate and the first week of a new semester is a chance to refocus. Sometimes it's hard to look at the whole pie, and it's easy to get ...
Most might think a digital cleanse means taking time away from electronic devices. Unplugging, if you will. While that can be a helpful way to prioritize the way you use your time, this digital cleanse very much involves using these devices and preparing for a ...
Imposter syndrome or the imposter phenomenon reflects a belief that you’re incompetent or incapable despite demonstrating skills and abilities that prove otherwise. Sound familiar? Returning to college after several years away from the textbook grind can intensify these feelings. Although they don't try to let ...
Self-care is your best weapon against burnout. Mind your mental and physical fitness throughout each semester. The more you're in tune with how your emotions and body react to stress, the better you'll be able to identify when you need to take a step back ...