Study Tips

  • A college student takes notes in her notebook while engaging in an online lecture on her laptop.

Tips for Note-Taking in Online Learning

September 26, 2023|

Effective note-taking is an essential skill for online college students. Various methods enhance learning, retention, and topic engagement.

Self-Care = Less Burnout

October 16, 2020|

Self-care is your best weapon against burnout. Mind your mental and physical fitness throughout each semester. The more you're in tune with how your emotions and body react to stress, the better you'll be ...

  • A successful NMU global campus student writes in her planner after reading her college advice.

How to Succeed in College

August 21, 2020|

'Get a planner.' To some, this sounds good in a moment of chaos and might even creep toward inspiring for a split second, but often it falls flat. Along with several other phrases that ...

  • A close-up of someone holding a pen to a textbook as they study for a final exam at NMU.

Exam Week Study Tips

April 23, 2020|

Final exams aren't just any test. They are the culmination of a semester's learning and usually a significant percentage of your overall grade. Whether you're looking to improve your grade or keep a 4.0, ...

Get the support you need. Connect with an enrollment counselor.