Most might think a digital cleanse means taking time away from electronic devices. Unplugging, if you will. While that can be a helpful way to prioritize the way you use your time, this digital cleanse very much involves using these devices and preparing for a new semester:

  1. Clean-up your Desktop
    Take the time to look at each icon on your desktop. Is the file or program needed anymore or can it be filed in a different folder? Often, we save files to the desktop as an “easy access” space for quick email attachments or a document that we’ll use only once. Keeping this space organized can create a more conducive and focused experience when you power up your computer to begin classwork.
  2. Inventory your apps and downloads
    Deleting unused apps on your phone not only keeps your home screen organized, it also saves on storage space. A helpful habit is to go delete unwanted photos and videos from your device. If you’re not ready to part with the memories, consider syncing with a cloud-based app that stores the image and video files externally while still providing access on the go. Deleting podcast episodes or audio books also help free up space on mobile devices. Done with content? delete them from from the app. You can always return to re-download.
  3. Organize your inbox
    Perhaps one of the easiest tasks to let slide, cleaning up your email filing can create a refreshed start to a new academic year. Create a filing system using folders and subfolders. Review individual emails that remain in your inbox. Those that can be filed, great – get them where they need to be. Send others off to the trash.

    Freeing up storage space, and organizing files, apps and programs can significantly improve your productivity and focus while online learning. The digital space is your classroom, its important to keep it clean and organized just like any physical learning space.