Self Care

Choose Happiness

January 22, 2021|

Let's make a pact to start the semester off on a positive note. 2021 is a blank slate and the first week of a new semester is a chance to refocus. Sometimes it's hard ...

  • Image of a two-faced person showing the complexities of mental health.

Imposter Syndrome in Students

November 13, 2020|

Imposter syndrome or the imposter phenomenon reflects a belief that you’re incompetent or incapable despite demonstrating skills and abilities that prove otherwise. Sound familiar? Returning to college after several years away from the textbook ...

Self-Care = Less Burnout

October 16, 2020|

Self-care is your best weapon against burnout. Mind your mental and physical fitness throughout each semester. The more you're in tune with how your emotions and body react to stress, the better you'll be ...

Get the support you need. Connect with an enrollment counselor.