Let’s make a pact to start the semester off on a positive note. 2021 is a blank slate and the first week of a new semester is a chance to refocus. Sometimes it’s hard to look at the whole pie, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Choose to take it a day at a time, and consider the circumstances that bring you happiness each day.

Making progress on a project with a team of coworkers, receiving a reply from a professor to your question about a project, or spending time doing an activity you enjoy can become more than just routine when you’re intentional about seeking those moments that bring you joy. Maybe it’s as simple as doing a grocery pick-up and making it to the post office before it closes.

Find a classmate, friend, or partner that can hold you accountable for this. Send them a text about a moment that brought you happiness each day. Share the little victories and significant achievements. The more we focus on the good, the less we’ll get drug down when things don’t go according to plan. Happiness can improve productivity and – of course – is a critical part of self-care.

What brought you happiness today?

Are you looking for accountability, comradery, and support? Enrolled Global Campus students can join an exclusive online group designed to be a sounding board for online learners. Sharing the good, being honest about the challenges, and giving advice to those navigating the reality of managing a busy life schedule and school.