Academic calendars and deadlines are provided by the NMU Registrar’s Office to help keep students on top of what is coming up in the fall, winter, and summer semesters. Be sure to pay special attention to the date range (Example A) for each course when reviewing the results of your course search (review tips for becoming a Course Search Optimization pro here).

Example A: Identifying the Date Range

Pay close attention to the date range for courses when you are preparing your schedule. Some courses are delivered in full-semester experiences, while others are offered in an accelerated “block.” Each semester has “First Block” (Example B) and “Second Block” (Example C) running during the first half and second half of each semester, respectively (examples below). Some classes are not offered in an accelerated format, and some are only offered with the accelerated version. Your adviser can also help clarify your options.

Example B: Winter 2024 First Block

The “First Block” date range for LDR 220 is January 16th – March 1st.

Example C: Winter 2024 Second Block

The “Second Block” date range for LDR 100 is March 11th – May 4th.

A student may take both first block and second block classes in any given semester. Because the courses are offered in different blocks, students can concentrate on one course at a time. Accelerated courses are a great option to take a full course load in a semester without overloading yourself with too many courses at one time.

Another reason to note the date range for courses is to be aware of the add and drop deadlines. You can review any upcoming add and drop deadlines via the Registrar’s Office. Students may add and drop courses in accordance with the deadlines based on the date range for each course.