Nursing has changed in the past decade. While nurses in the past frequently entered the field with a two-year associate degree, many healthcare organizations now want nurses with a bachelor’s degree. This shift has led to the popularity of RN to BSN programs.

For many working nurses, the best option to earn a four-year degree is an RN to BSN online program. They need the flexibility an online program offers to balance their work and school life. NMU Global Campus offers an affordable online program that allows nurses to complete their BSN in as little as four semesters.

The need for nurses has never been higher. An aging population requires more medical services than ever before. Also, people of all ages make more use of preventative medical care. The demand continues to increase for more hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices, and community health centers–and more nurses.

Reasons to Enroll in an RN to BSN Online Program

Many nurses view their profession as both a calling and a career. Earning a BSN helps them fulfill both by equipping them with advanced skills to deliver better patient care. It also boosts their chances of landing top nursing roles in the healthcare field. Online programs make this achievable, offering flexible and affordable options that allow nurses to pursue their degree without putting their careers on hold. By balancing work and education, nurses can continue their full-time job while expanding their expertise and opening up new career opportunities.

Better Pay

Earning a bachelor’s degree typically results in higher pay, and nursing is no exception. Nurses with a BSN often earn more than those with an associate degree. For example, in Michigan, BSN nurses earned an average salary of $81,710 in May 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Moreover, this trend is consistent across neighboring states:

  • Ohio – $79,940
  • Indiana – $78,530
  • Illinois – $82,470
  • Wisconsin – $83,300

Additionally, these figures highlight the financial advantages of pursuing a BSN. Not only does it increase earning potential, but it also opens doors to better job opportunities in the healthcare field. In short, investing in a bachelor’s degree is a smart move for nurses looking to boost their careers and salaries.

Better Job Opportunities

Many of the top nursing positions require a BSN, as the field becomes increasingly competitive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that more than 197,200 nurses will join the profession nationwide by 2033, adding to the already over 3 million nurses working today. As the demand for nurses grows, so does the need for higher qualifications.

A BSN is essential for nurses looking to move beyond clinical care and into areas like management or administration. Additionally, many pursue a BSN as a stepping stone toward advanced degrees like a Master of Nursing Science (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), which open up even more specialized roles.

In Michigan, cities like Ann Arbor, Lansing, Bay City, Flint, Midland, Warren, and Battle Creek offer some of the best opportunities for nursing jobs, making it a great state for advancing a nursing career with a BSN.

Improve Nursing Skills

An RN provides excellent clinical care, but a BSN program enhances that foundation by adding critical skills in thinking, leadership, and communication. Furthermore, nurses with a BSN are better prepared for complex situations. In fact, many organizations, including the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), report that BSN-educated nurses lead to better patient outcomes. With their advanced training, they can make key decisions, lead teams effectively, and communicate clearly, improving the overall quality of care.

It’s Recommended

The AACN recommends that nurses earn their BSN. So do the American Nurses Association, American Organization of Nurse Executives, and the American Nurses Association. The AACN writes that “BSN nurses are prized for their skills in critical thinking, leadership, case management, and health promotion, and for their ability to practice across a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.”

Benefits of the NMU RN to BSN Program

The RN to BSN online program from NMU allows nurses to earn their bachelor’s degree in as little as four semesters, requiring a minimum of 30 credit hours. Nurses can work while attending classes, applying what they learn directly to their jobs.

The program includes key courses such as:
  • Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice
  • Nursing Care of Populations
  • Nursing Care of Populations for the Practicing Nurse (Clinical)
  • Nursing Issues Seminar
  • Leadership & Management in Nursing
  • Professional Nursing Practice (Clinical)

Nurses complete their clinical work locally, with NMU tailoring the experience to align with their career goals. Clinicals focus on real-world interactions, virtual simulations, and applying evidence-based practices. Additionally, NMU encourages nurses to enhance their leadership skills by earning a leadership certificate or minor, with courses covering communication, ethical leadership, and leading diverse teams. This unique approach provides a flexible, hands-on education that empowers nurses to advance both their skills and careers.